
Since the inauguration and in addition to *waves hands wildly* everything, Marcus and I have been fighting some particularly nasty, non-COVID colds: first he was incapacitated, and then I had a cough so intense, I thought I might have had consumption.* We both powered through work stuff, but also succumbed to rest when our bodies insisted.

And we rationed our media intake. Because mental and emotional health is health too, right?

But one lovely thing that happened a couple of weeks ago was an unexpected, haven’t seen-anything-like-this-in-decades, snowstorm! In Houston! And it was lovely. (Check out the video above for evidence!)

A portrait of Marcus & his death wish.

These times really made me think of the phrase, “the days are long, but the years are short” — meaning that the daily grind can make the days seem long, yet when measured in years, time flies, amiright? But the truth is that when we slow down and notice the good (thanks snow!), the good imprints on our memories, making our days feel faster, and our years feel a bit slower, if only because reflecting on them requires us to remember the good on top of the challenging. Slowing down and noticing the good, warps our time, in the best possible way.

So my wish for all of us this week, my friends: with the c r a z y that is bombarding the news (now, but also likely for at least the next four years), we make a practice of noticing the good each and every day. This practice is what reminds us what we’re fighting for. This practice energizes us for the fight.

Beauty and joy are our fuel, my friends. Never forget this.

* I didn’t have consumption.

** music: for you by victor lundberg on epidemic sound.

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