Jun 17Liked by Karen Walrond

Candle tip - I collect cute vesels, tea cups, crystal bowls etc all year long then make candles out of them for holidays gifts. CHeap, easy and everyone loves them

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Love this!! ❤️

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Love it. This post reminds me of that wonderful quote from the movie, A League of Their Own, where Tom Hanks, playing the gruff baseball manager tells a struggling player, "It's supposed to be hard. If it wasn't hard, everyone would do it. The hard...is what makes it great." You made great pottery - it's beautiful!

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Aw, you're REALLY kind. Thank you! ❤️

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Jun 17Liked by Karen Walrond

I will keep thinking of your friend with two paint brushes in hand!! ❤️

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She's a clever one, isn't she?

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They're beautiful! My grandmother used to make candles with animal fat. Your way sound better.

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I bet hers LOOKED better, though! 😂

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Jun 17Liked by Karen Walrond

I, too, took a pottery class, gifted to me by my beloved, about a year ago and made small things (not intentionally); mugs, bowls and saucers. Every time I attempted to make anything "just a little bit bigger", they would capsize. After several (and by several, I mean dozens), attempts, I decided that with my beginner's knowledge, I would be perfectly fine with my micro kitchenware. The idea behind taking the class was merely for pleasure and the fact that I was beating myself up over my tiny house wares (and by tiny house, I mean Barbie house) took the pleasure out of the equation. I may take another pottery class, this time using what I learned initially to try bigger clay feats or I may take another type of art class (watercolor painting anyone?). The point, for me, is to flex my creative muscle in doing something I enjoy.

Kudos to you for taking the class. Your bowls are gorgeous. Ironically, we both chose to glaze our items in cobalt. I use mine for votive candles as well...or Barbie dishes 😋

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I love this story. It's stunning to me how difficult pottery is -- I really thought that physics would just make it do its thing. HOW WRONG I WAS. Barbie dishes might be next!

Thanks for your comment!

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Jun 17Liked by Karen Walrond

Unique beats perfect, unflinching repetition. Beautiful projects! Keep going. ❤️

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"Unique beats perfect, unflinching repetition." I'm going to think about this concept for a while -- it's exactly the kind of thing I'm trying to capture in this latest book. Thanks for your comment!

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Congratulations on the candles! They look fabulous!

Surviving vs Thriving - I jumped up and said, "Yes! This!" I feel like this is the theme running through my journal lately.

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I love this!! ❤️

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Jun 17Liked by Karen Walrond

These are absolutely stunning candles. Keep going 💜

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Aw, thanks, Joanie. ❤️

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